Friday, May 27, 2011

Comic Con Day 2

So today was the second day of Phoenix Comic Con. A lot of cool things happened.
  • We went to two awesome Star Trek panels (No "stars")
  • I dressed as Wolverine/Logan (civilian clothes), and went with Rouge and a Ninja (who looked kinda like Sub Zero)
  • Got "Song of the South" (You can't buy it in America)
So here's my little blurb about the Star Trek panels:
So the first panel was called "Star Trek Lives Again". They  talked about the 2009 J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie, the possibilities for a new Star Trek show on CBS (live action or Animated), and the possibilities for the Star Trek sequel. So from the information we got, the Star Trek movie is slated to come out June 29, 2012, but it seems more likely that it won't come till the holidays, if not 2012. In a few weeks CBS will release more information. The guys that were on the panel was Anthony Pascale (the guy that runs Trek, Morgan Gendel, Dr. David A. Williams (the former president of the United Federation of Arizona), and Chris Swanson.
The second panel was Morgan Gendel (the writer of the Star Trek: The Next Generation's "The Inner Light")
talk about "The Inner Light". He told us about he came up with the idea and about him pitching the idea to the producers of Next Gen. He also told us about his idea for a Graphic Novel titled "The Outer Light", being a sequel to "The Inner Light". In the novel, the Enterprise would come across a probe full of some of the cryogenically frozen inhabitants from Kataan. One of these people would be Eline
This sounds really cool and I know I would read it.

Anyways, today was fun. We saw a Deadpool, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Ness (Earthbound), Ike, Rapunzel, Storm, Wolverine, Mario and Luigi, Pitt, Clu, and dozens of Trekkies.

My friend got a Green Lantern Ring from the animated tv series (JL and JLU) and we got Song of the South.

I still highly recommend you go if you can. Well, that's it from me. Catch ya later!

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